As a value developer with a long-term investment strategy, Haniel pursues a holistic CR approach across the entire value chain, from the investment phase to portfolio management through to divestment. The aim is to systematically integrate Corporate Responsibility into every phase of value creation.
In addition to portfolio management, the Holding Company is also responsible for the strategic guidelines for the operating divisions – in this respect we consider ourselves to be a strategic catalyst. Strategic initiatives are agreed on in discussions with the divisions, and then implemented by the divisions under their own responsibility. The divisional management teams report regularly on progress to Haniel’s Management Board. This also applies to corporate responsibility (CR). Our CR management approach¹ was drawn up based on a systematic analysis of the expectations of a variety of stakeholder groups.
The Holding Company discusses individual initiatives with the divisions, taking into account Haniel's particular situation as a diversified group of companies with decentralised management. Haniel's Management Board and the management teams of the divisions agree on objectives and measures and discuss progress in regular management meetings. In addition, the Holding Company organises the Group CR Round Table, where CR experts exchange information and experience.
The results of CR management are presented in a transparent, regular CR report. The Holding Company and the divisions prepare this report on the basis of the internationally recognised guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). In addition, the Holding Company has published a separate Non-financial statement since 2017. We do this in compliance with the requirements set out in the European Union's CSR Directive and the corresponding German act implementing the Directive.
¹ This does not apply for CECONOMY and METRO, investments accounted for at equity, which set and communicate their CR commitment independently.