As a portfolio manager, Haniel controls the largest lever for reducing the environmental and social impacts of the divisions, which are in charge of their own operations. At the same time, the Holding Company is committed – in keeping with the Haniel values – to protecting the environment and society above and beyond its core business.
As a corporate citizen, Haniel provides financial, material and conceptual support to individual initiatives and projects at its location in Duisburg, with the aim of improving the city's standard of living and creating long-term benefit for the region. In order to achieve more and bundle competences, we are working together with strong partners.
For instance, in 2015, in cooperation with non-profit organisation Social Impact gGmbH, the Beisheim Foundation and the KfW Foundation, Haniel set up an start-up lab for social entrepreneurs. At 31 December 2018, 56 start-ups had already completed the eight-month programme. 31 companies have resulted from this incubator, 28 of which are still on the market. There was a realignment at the end of 2018: The previous team re-founded the start-up incubator at Franz-Haniel-Platz under the name "Impact Factory". The goal is a further professionalisation of the start-up lab for companies that want to use their ideas to counter pressing social challenges. In addition, promising start-ups will be assisted in the formation and growth phases in order to ensure that sustainable social business models are also able to thrive financially.
Haniel also believes that corporate responsibility means enabling staff to make a productive contribution to society through their know-how and skills. Specialist staff and managers can therefore volunteer as mentors in the start-up lab and support beneficiaries with their advice and expertise.
To learn more about the Impact Factory, visit the website.
The Company and the Haniel Foundation in Duisburg work hand in hand in promoting education: in 2010 the cooperation project 'Bildung als Chance' ('Education as Opportunity') was established together with Ashoka Deutschland and the three social entrepreneurs apeiros e.V., Chancenwerk e.V. and Teach First Deutschland. All three initiatives pursue the same objective with their individual approaches: to break down barriers to education and to provide schoolchildren with a path to a successful future. The project now covers 26 schools in Duisburg, reaching around 1,500 schoolchildren per year. It will also be launched in Hamburg for the 2019/20 school year. In addition to its focus on educational opportunities, the Haniel Foundation also concentrates on supporting young people by providing a variety of bursary programmes to talented future leaders, to help change society through sustainable ideas and creative approaches and to foster ethical entrepreneurship. More than 1,600 future leaders have been supported with bursaries thus far.
To learn more about the Haniel Foundation's commitment, visit the website.
The Haniel Holding Company uses natural resources expediently and economically to ensure that its operations have as little impact on the environment as possible. Accordingly, awareness among the employees of the importance of this principle is raised accordingly. We are also committed to disseminating and applying environmentally friendly technologies. For instance, a heating and cooling system has been installed at the Company headquarters which since 2016 has consumed at least 15 per cent less energy annually compared to 2014. In addition, the Holding Company introduced a green car policy which takes CO2 limits into account when new vehicles are purchased.
Haniel's Code of Conduct lays out principles for carrying out business activities at every level; these principles are based on those set out in the UN Global Compact . As a signatory to the United Nations initiative, the Haniel Holding Company has committed to uphold and spread the ten principles in the areas of human rights, working conditions, environmental protection and combating corruption. The divisions are also members of the UN Global Compact or adhere to the principles underpinning it; they have also issued their own codes of conduct in keeping with their own business models.
Our CR management efforts culminate in a transparent, regular CR Report in accordance with the recognised standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). In addition, the Holding Company provides transparent reporting on progress made with its CR reporting in the annual report and in the separate Non-financial statement. Once they have reached certain milestones, we generally expect our divisions to also provide transparent reports of the outcomes of its CR management activities in CR reports in line with the GRI standards.
The Haniel Holding Company’s business activities are subject to statutory and internal rules and regulations. A comprehensive compliance management system has been established to effectively mitigate the risk of non-compliance with rules and regulations which might jeopardise the Company's reputation and economic success. We also set minimum standards for the divisions in the form of Compliance Guidelines. The divisions themselves are responsible for the specific form of the guidelines. The Holding Company's Compliance Officer coordinates compliance activities throughout the Group.
As a strategic management holding company, Franz Haniel & Cie. GmbH procures materials solely for non-commercial purposes, i.e., office supplies, IT equipment and company cars. Our procurement guidelines ensure that minimum requirements for procurement and tender processes are complied with. In addition, consideration is given to environmental protection and the sparing use of resources – for instance, when selecting our electricity supplier: the Holding Company obtains 100 per cent of its electricity from renewable sources.