The Haniel Holding Company defines strategic requirements that serve as focal points for Corporate Responsibility. Each division is responsible for implementing its own CR management apparatus, which is tailored to suit each company.
The current Materiality Matrix for the Haniel Holding Company was developed in the beginning of 2019 through dialogue with stakeholders: We asked survey participants how they would prioritise a series of issues by their significance. Content was selected based on leading standards for sustainability reporting and the European Union's CSR Directive. In addition, experience and developments since the most recent materiality analysis were taken into account in the selection of topics covered, including changes in the Holding Company's CR organisation.
After analysing the responses to the stakeholder survey, the findings were subjected to an internal assessment by executives and CR experts from the Holding Company, who weighted each topic to account for their economic, environmental and social impact. This resulted in four focal points standing out from both the stakeholders' and the Company's perspective:
The Haniel Holding Company also develops the divisions in the area of Corporate Responsibility through strategic guidelines and principles: requirements imposed on CR management and organisation at the individual companies – taking into consideration their size and maturity – are an established component of portfolio management. We leave it up to the divisions to implement CR into their operating business, in line with our role as a strategic management holding company.
Learn moreA core responsibility of the Haniel Holding Company is to search for new business segments. Potential acquisition targets must be in a position to contribute value to the area of Corporate Responsibility. This is because it is only when entrepreneurial growth is aligned with social and environmental interests that we are able to sustainably increase the value of our portfolio without eroding the foundations of our very existence.
Learn moreThe Haniel Holding Company has combined entrepreneurial dynamism with stable values for more than 260 years. Accordingly, Corporate Responsibility is firmly anchored in the Company’s DNA and is embodied in equal part by the owner family as well as by the management and the employees. The aim is to combine economic success with social and environmental responsibility, thereby creating value for generations.
Learn moreThe Haniel Holding Company devises solutions to changing labour conditions which are in the interest of the Company and its employees. We thereby ensure that we meet the basic prerequisites for competitiveness, innovation and long-term success. This enables us to offer employees the basis for employment, engagement with their community and quality of life.
Learn moreThis section includes the following GRI indicators: