When looking into potential acquisition targets, social and environmental factors are also examined using Haniel’s investment filter to assess the candidate’s CR profile.
Only those investments which fit with Haniel's values are considered. For instance, companies which profit off of weapons manufacturing or dealing, gambling and narcotics are not considered. Nor are we interested in companies whose products are harmful to consumers' health. In general, we review potential investments in an early phase to see whether they meet our sustainability criteria. During due diligence, it is analysed to what extent the business model of the company concerned can make a positive contribution to sustainability in the future. Once the company has been successfully acquired – and depending on the size and maturity of the respective division – structures and processes are developed to anchor CR into the core business.
We also exercise caution when investing in ventures other than new divisions: The Holding Company also analyses the CR implications of divisions' investments and acquisitions which are subject to approval. The Holding Company's decision-making process for investment of available financial resources in financial assets also takes CR considerations into account. For instance, there is a general ban on investing in debt securities in certain sectors.